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contacts and useful numbers

Home, various issues

My tel: 00 212 6 56 53 23 11

Jamila (Reception and housekeeper): 00 212 6 68 92 36 04
Zoe (Reception in case of absence from me): 00 212 6 44 31 13 68
Taxi (french speaking), Mohamed: 212 6 70 48 12 06. Can be, also, used as a guide. Price to be negotiate with him.

Car rental

El Hijri car rent: 06 61 20 84 74
Roadn1: 06 62 07 93 48

Your location

You are located at 17 rue Charf, in the district of Kasbah, close to the Kasbah / Méchouar (main square) up and down the medina.
Arrived in medina, you can easily reach the new city, the cornice and the marina.
You can park your car on the Kasbah square. (Allow the guardian, between 2 to 5 Dh)

Neighborhood map. See map further

Rules of life of the house

Our accommodation is non-smoking. Thank you for smoking on the terrace or outside ...
Close the windows when you leave the house permanently
Replace furniture and accessories where you found them
Throw away all open foods present in the refrigerator
Rotate the dishwasher
Put towels and tea towels in the laundry basket
Take out the trash. A container is available on the place of Mechouar. Do not leave garbage bags outside: cats and dogs in the neighborhood will disembowel them and scatter rubbish
Avoid excessive noise nuisance for a good relationship between neighbors
There may be mosquitoes in the evening; for this purpose we have provided electrical devices to put in the bed-rooms. (In a basket, on the shelves)
Thank you for watering the plants if you spend a long time (if you see that the plants are thirsty)
Check that you do not leave any personal items in the closets when you leave

Equipment User Guide

Internet: the identifier and the wifi code are: Dar Stitoua 620A69CF6A
Electricity: the meter is at the entrance on the left
Heating: electric heating
Washing machine: it is in the entrance in the recess at the bottom. No special instructions, the instructions are above
Dishwasher: No special instructions. You have available regenerating salt and rinsing liquid if it was missing during your stay. Notice in the cupboard, next to the fridge.
Oven: No special instructions, the instructions are in the cupboard next to the fridge.
TV: Smart TV. International bouquet. Turn on the TV with the Samsung remote control. (Red button on the top left). If it does not work press the button on the top right (HDMI DV 1). Turn on the remote control Icon. (Central red button at the top). Go to Gogo (if the TV is already programmed on a channel in progress, go to the key that represents a "house" on the remote control.Go to Groups with the arrow on the left.List of bouquets and chains. by doing OK

Special notes: The drying rack, the ironing board and the iron are in the small room of the entrance near the washing machine.

Thank you for your attention.

Dar stitoua is located in the hearth of the Tanger's Kasbah

for availability and booking please follow this link

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